29 أغسطس التسويق في ويب ٣ ؟ و الميتافيرس و الرموز الغير قابلة للاستبدال
The Web 3.0 era is upon us and this new era of the internet has brought about significant changes to how we operate online. It’s changing the way we think about marketing, but more than that it’s changing how we interact with each other as well
The Next Era Of The Internet
The next era of the internet is here, and it’s going to be a lot more decentralized, social and personal than what we’re used to. The internet will also be more secure, private and transparent.
Users create most of the content on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter and are able to participate more actively in the creation and evolution of content.
The social and collaborative aspects of Web 2.0 bring users together, but these platforms must often be paid for by users, who thus provide personal and confidential data to the companies that control these platforms.
Web 3.0 is an idea of an upgraded version of the internet that would be more secure and decentralized, protecting users’ privacy and their valuable data.
Imagine if you could access all your data without having to rely on large corporations who hold it for you (like Google or Facebook).
This means that there would be no central authority controlling how information flows through the system.
There would also be no single point of failure making it easier for hackers to break into an entire network at once—all because they have one weak spot like an API key!
In a centralized market, buyers deal with a central organization or company that has full control of the system and ensures transactions go smoothly.
This organization keeps a record of transactions between buyers and sellers for transparency.
Centralized markets are typically owned or controlled by a single entity—a government, corporation, or bank. Decentralized markets allow people to trade with each other as opposed to trading through a centralized exchange.
Virtual markets that use decentralized currency, or cryptocurrencies, are examples of decentralized markets.
The internet has always been a place where people can share their ideas freely, but now with technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies people will be able to get paid for their content directly from the people who want to see it instead of having to rely on advertisers or third parties who take a cut first.
The Evolution Timeline Of The Web

The first version of the web was static pages. In other words, it was just a bunch of text and images that you could click on. This was Web 1.0.
Web 2.0 came next, with dynamic content: features such as user-generated content (UGC) and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter that let users share their interests with each other through shared digital experiences.
Web 3.0 is all about decentralization; it’s an emerging trend based on peer-to-peer technology where people can communicate directly with each other without having to go through an intermediary such as Google or Amazon Web Services (AWS).
For example, when you’re using a decentralized app (dApp), you don’t need to connect via AWS because dApps are hosted in computers all over the world instead of being stored in one central server controlled by a company like Amazon—so there isn’t any centralized control to hack into!
Web 3.0 or Web3 is an upgraded version of Web 2.0 and is characterized by creating a virtual world within the Internet through websites such as online virtual shopping malls, which allow users to interact with each other and buy products.
Web 3.0 offers not only personalization but also the Semantic Web, which provides a framework for information to be reused and shared more easily among programs, communities, and companies.
The Metaverse
The Metaverse is a decentralized virtual world that can be accessed by anyone. Metaverse is based on blockchain technology, enabling it to exist as a peer-to-peer (P2P) network and eliminating the need for a central authority.
This allows users to create, share, and experience the impossible with no limitations.
The Metaverse Ecosystem has two parts: The first part consists of several layers where we have the core layer, service layer and application layer etc., while second part consist of applications built on top of these three layers such as [Xuefeng], [Battlestar Galactica], etc
You are focusing on content creation highly as a marketer- keep doing it!
As of today, there is no particular handbook for this new era of marketing. Yet, we know NFTs would be important content for the digital marketing industry in the future since it has already started to be!
NFTs ( Non-Fungible tokens )
To understand the benefits of using NFTs, you first need to know what they are. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, which means that the value of each token is different from another. This is in contrast with fungible tokens like Bitcoin or Ethereum (ETH), whose values are equivalent because they can be exchanged on an open market and their value can shift from one moment to another based on supply and demand.
NFTs have a variety of uses in both gaming and marketing applications.
One example is CryptoKitties, a decentralized application (DApp) that allows users to buy, sell and trade digital cats using Ethereum as its currency.
Other notable examples include RareBits, which acquires physical goods like artworks and memorabilia with NFTs; Arcade City, an Uber-like ride sharing service where drivers are rewarded with Ether tokens for delivering passengers; OpenSea, a marketplace for trading virtual items including crypto collectibles such as CryptoKitties.
Cryptogames Market Report 2019: The Future Of Blockchain Gaming Revealed By Experts In The Industry explains how blockchain technology can transform video games into more interactive experiences.
Web3.0 Marketing
Web 3.0 is the next phase of the internet, which will bring with it a lot of new changes. As we’ve seen throughout history, change means opportunity. Here are some facts about Web 3.1 (or whatever you want to call it):
Web 3.0 marketing is more than just websites and search engine optimization(SEO).
A Web 3.0 environment enhances the user experience by providing rich and interactive advertising opportunities. This is a boon for marketers because they can now deliver more targeted ads to consumers.
The web has changed a lot since the 90’s when there were only a few websites and they were pretty basic; now there are thousands upon thousands of sites out there, many with complex features like video content and shopping carts that allow users to buy products online.
This evolution has led us into an era known as Web 2.0 where people have been able to create their own websites through social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. And now we’re in Web 3., where more things are getting decentralized but also becoming more AI driven too!
The internet is changing due to new technology like blockchain which powers cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin so that money can be transferred directly between parties without needing banks or any other third party involved – this is called “decentralization.”
Another example would be how artificial intelligence (AI) will play an important role going forward because with all this data being collected by companies like Google already under their control; they could easily leverage machine learning algorithms against our personal information while building out their businesses around those same algorithms used internally across verticals within each company’s product portfolio including search advertising analytics tools such as DoubleClick Bid Manager
If you haven’t heard yet: The Internet Is Changing Forever! Here Are Some Facts About How It Will Look In The Future
We have very exciting times ahead!
Now, as we move into the early stages of Web 3.0 and all that comes with it, there’s a lot of work to do. We have a lot of opportunities, but we also have a lot of challenges ahead. It’s easy to get discouraged by naysayers and competitors who will try their best to derail us from our goals and ambitions for this new world.
But if you’re like me—and I know so many people are—you can’t let that happen! There’s just too much at stake in this next phase of our evolution as humans and marketers (and really just as human beings).
So don’t fret! Instead, breathe deep and realize what an amazing opportunity lies before us: an opportunity not just to evolve ourselves but also our entire world and all its inhabitants (including those who haven’t yet been born).
Be Ready For The Future
The advanced user experience capabilities of Web 3.0 marketing allow marketers to dive into a whole new world full of innovation in advertising and marketing.
We already see the signs and initiatives of it. – Remember, Facebook changed its name to Meta, and they are investing in the Metaverse. Also, recently, Square changed its name to Block to focus on crypto.
Check : What is the Metaverse ? – free course
Starting to use Facebook for business ? Check how to create a professional Facebook page.
This is the future of marketing. With the Internet of Things, we’ll be able to create smart environments and make them personalized. This means that your customers will have a better experience and this will improve their loyalty toward your brand.
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