Metaverse & Web3.0

Virtual Spaces


NFT X (Twitter) Management

Twitter is The main social media platform in our industry.


We take full management of your account and make sure your account constantly has amazing content and is using industry best practices for growth.

Organic Growth

Content Marketing

Paid Ads

Engaging Community

NFT Public Relations & Earned Media

Fee Digital delivers deep NFT PR industry expertise which allows us to develop comprehensive communications strategies to reach a massively wide audience.


With contacts at the largest NFT publishers, influencers, and media, Free Digital Agency’s PR team helps clients secure organic coverage from the biggest names in the Web3 industry.


Our team will carefully craft coverage-securing releases, pitches, announcements, and more that bring eyeballs to your brand.

NFT Discord Set Up & Moderation

When it comes time to build an NFT community on Discord, our expert team will make sure your server is set up correctly with the right channels, roles, bots, and more.