Free Digital  was set up with the belief that we’re not hunting down clients. We care more of passing our knowledge and experience for Free to help small businesses like yours, taking your first steps freely in the digital world.


However, when your business grows or you don’t have free time to do everything yourself, then we are welcoming you on board.

Web Development

Website development and design aren’t just about the way your page looks to a potential customer.

It’s about building trust and encouraging conversions or goal completions, whatever they look like for your company.

Device Frame

Digital Marketing Strategy

Online marketing strategies are based on data and brought to life with creativity and innovation. They are the foundation for the most successful marketing campaigns, ensuring that all marketing efforts are cohesive, suitable for your target audience and their changing, evolving needs. 

NFT Marketing

Ever wonder how NFT projects sell out? Serious Marketing Strategy, Big Collabs & Engaged community. Massive Twitter & Reddit promo, NFT Collabs, and Influencer Marketing 

Social Media

Social media is an ever-changing landscape with altering algorithms and topical trends; to keep your competitive edge, you must prioritise your social media management strategy to keep your competitive edge. 


Search Engine Optimisation is critical for boosting visibility, gaining trust and authority. It keeps your website, and therefore your brand, competitive in an ever-changing industry. Work with Free Digital SEO Agency to deliver a punch, off and on page.

Video Editing

As an Video editing  agency for small businesses, we know that getting your brand into the top of your niche is no mean feat. There’s always another brand representing themselves as the best of the best, but we got your back with our professional creative team

Photo Editing

Free Digital Creative team is one of the elite professional teams in online photo editing & retouching business. Simply write your requirements, and we’ll take care of the rest.
