Search Engine Optimisation is critical for boosting visibility, gaining trust and authority. It keeps your website, and therefore your brand, competitive in an ever-changing industry. Work with Free Digital SEO Agency to deliver a punch, off and on page.

Why Free Digital Agency?

As an experienced SEO agency for small businesses, we know that getting your brand into the top of the search results is no mean feat. There’s always another brand positioning themselves as the best of the best, but it all comes down to your SEO strategy.


Boosting your website up the ranking ladder can have a significant impact on the amount of traffic your website receives and, in turn, the success of your business. You can utilise Free Digital to give your business the visibility it needs.

Improve Your ROI

Building your On-Page SEO improves your customer’s experience, focusing on UX to remove those barriers to conversion. It transforms top of the funnel users into long-term customers.

Beat The Glitch

By improving the health of your site, its functionality and working on CRO with Free Digital technical SEO team, you create seamless user experiences which position you as a brand people want to buy from.

Is SEO Still Relevant?

In short? Yes. Some agencies might say that channels like PPC advertising have invalidated SEO, but we disagree. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is how brands get their websites seen.


As an experienced SEO agency, we know that SEO is one of the most cost-effective and scalable investments for any online marketing budget.


There are many misconceptions about SEO. Maybe you’ve been ‘burned’ in the past, but a well thought-out SEO strategy is the process by which the visibility of your website in Google’s search results is improved.

Putting you at the forefront of your audience’s attention, and above your competitors.


Free Digital SEO Agency for small businesses, we know that acquiring new business organically is everything.

Getting in front of the right audience at the right time is critical to building not only a successful business, but a brand that is recognisable. One that your customers come back to, again and again… and again.

Why Is SEO So Important?

90% of Google users only check the first page of results. So, if you’re not on that page, the chances of acquiring new users are next to none.


SEO is a route for your audience to find your brand, fall in love with it, and convert. Because ranking higher in the organic search results for search queries that are highly relevant to your products or services helps build trust and authority. 


It’s part of the ever-changing Google Algorithm that determines which websites are high quality, relevant, and adhering to it’s best practices. By working with Free Digital SEO Agency, you can show your audience that you mean business. That you’re exactly what they need. It’s how you snag their attention on that first page of results, drive their clicks to your site and, ultimately, purchase. 


But don’t expect SEO to drive quick results. It’s a slow burner. It’s for brands interested in the long game, who want to work their way up the results pages and sit at the top in a sustainable way. Yes, you’ll gain high quality traffic based on key terms relevant to your business, and stay ahead of your competition. 


But it takes time. You have to nurture it, with a consistent approach and the help from Free Digital SEO Team. The results? Well, they’re worth it.

How Free Digital SEO Agency work?

On Page SEO is the part of the process that focuses on your website content, and structure. The parts of the site that users see and engage with. 


First, we build an overview of your current website detailing your rankings and opportunities for improvement. This allows us to understand the key drivers of traffic, who your audience is and how people interact with your website.


Next, we’ll undertake competitor and keyword research. As a consumer-focused SEO agency, Free Digital believes in understanding your core KPIs, what really drives you as a business, and what you want to put out into the world.


Gaining those deeper insights into your business allows us to build a customer profile of your target customer and identify your direct and indirect competitors. From here, we’ll use our marketing know-how to understand what your customer wants, and how we can give it to them above your competition.


Based on this, we’ll then create an onsite optimisation structure to create a cohesive, UX-focused and SERP optimised website. This includes, but isn’t limited to, processes such as Metadata optimisation, internal linking strategies, uploading keyword-optimised content, the removal of duplicate content, and on-page structure improvements based on technical analysis.


As a data-driven SEO agency for small businesses, we know how important these technical changes are to getting your website seen.

After this is implemented, we’ll carry out ongoing UX and CRO analysis to ensure that your site is constantly delivering a high-quality, optimised experience that drives conversions.

Off Page SEO is focused on supporting on page SEO – it works to stabilise shifts in rankings, build domain authority and boosts your website’s relevance in the eyes of the Google Algorithm.


In-house experts at our Free Digital Agency will build an Off-Page SEO campaign which ensures your business is present on relevant directories and high-quality third party websites to improve your search rankings. This is also known as Link Building. It’s a crucial, and niche part of SEO that often other agencies might get wrong. 


This is also known as Link Building. It’s a crucial, and niche part of SEO that often other agencies might get wrong.


A link is a high quality endorsement from one brand, or platform, or website, to another. Good quality websites rely on their reputation, and will only link to other high quality sites – Google understands this, and capitalises on it. 


An expert Off Page SEO strategy builds quality connections between websites with a high Domain Authority, allowing a little of that authority back into your site through a link. 


Here, it’s critical that your SEO agency, like ours, dedicates time and expertise to building high quality links that deliver valuable authority and associated relevance to your site. This is where our expertise comes in.


We’ll build links with well-read, authoritative platforms to improve your site’s ability to perform well in Google SERPs, using our dedicated experts and our connections with bloggers, journalists and webmasters to deliver results.

This is a critical part of any SEO strategy, and is the process by which the functionality and quality user experience of your site is maintained.


Because websites are active, and constantly receiving large volumes of traffic, there are naturally occurring issues that need to be resolved to keep the site healthy, functional and delivering a high quality experience to all users.


Our in-house technical experts will consistently monitor the health of your site using sophisticated analytics platforms, carrying out regular optimisations that include: sitemap optimisation, removal of 404 errors and internal linking issues, checking, implementing and removing canonical tags, alt attribute optimisation, improving page speed, solving 301 redirects, and implementing robots.txt.


Technical SEO is an ongoing process, one that needs an expert and consistent hand to ensure that your site is providing a seamless experience for all customers. 


As an experienced SEO agency for small businesses, we use our data-driven approach to construct technical recommendations and strategies that resolve key errors and warnings to improve your UX, boost your conversion rates, and enhance your website’s ability to convert visitors into customers.

Google My Business is fast becoming one of the most powerful tools in Google’s marketing ‘arsenal.’ By keeping your listing relevant, informative and up-to-date you can reach a targeted local market.


It can do so much more than being a platform for customer reviews – you can share information on your business, your products and services, answer questions and create referral links to your website.


And many businesses have not yet caught onto their potential, so you can get ahead of your competition! But remember, like all other areas of digital marketing, GMB needs consistency and attention to make it work hard for you. We’ve added this to the services we can offer you, so you have one less area to worry about.

Let's Work Together


    Why Free Digital SEO Agency?

    Proactive SEO Agency

    We take the lead from conducting initial analysis to thorough reporting, staying in regular contact throughout the entire process.

    Dedicated Account Managers

    Receive support and guidance from our specialist account managers who take on your visions and goals as if they are their own.

    One Working Day Response Time

    No one likes to be kept waiting, which is why we always endeavour to respond to any queries within one working day.

    In-House Creative Team

    Maximise SEO opportunities by fine-tuning the style, tone, and visual presentation of all content, all created by our in-house specialists.

    Transparent Approach

    Gone are the days of being left in the dark by your SEO agency - you’ll be updated on everything from your latest successes to areas for improvement.

    Your Success is Our Success

    We work as an extension of your team, putting your needs first and constantly playing the field to spotlight & capitalise on new opportunities that will benefit your business.

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